Review: Louise Distras – Street Revolution EP Gary Trueman·26th January 2019Louise Distras Street Revolution EP – Street Revolution Records Incendiary. Heart scarring. Soul searching. Stirring, rousing, fist raising....Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsReview·0 Comments·
Review: Varego – I Prophetic Gary Trueman·25th January 2019Varego I Prophetic – Argonauta Records How much harm can a delicate piano melody laced over chilled, tuneful...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsReview·0 Comments·
News: Hands Off Gretel Announce New Album ‘I Want The World’ To Be Released March 29th Via Puke Pop Records Nickie Hobbs·25th January 2019Hands Off Gretel Announce New Album ‘I Want The World’ To Be Released March 29th Via Puke Pop...EntertainmentMusicNewsPicksReleasesReview·0 Comments·
News: Out of the Darkness…into the light – LondonEdge reveals a selection of Darkwear brands for SS19 Nickie Hobbs·22nd January 2019Out of the Darkness … into the light LondonEdge reveals a selection of Darkwear brands for SS19 With...BusinessClothingDesigner SpotlightEntertainmentFashion & BeautyLifestyleNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Rebecca Crow: “Be safe, always use your discretion.” Gary Trueman·21st January 2019Model safety is fast becoming a serious issue with regular cases of photographer malpractice being reported not to...Fashion & BeautyFullwidth SliderInterviewsNewsPhotographyPicksReview·0 Comments·
News: Amplified Festival 2019: Final Headliner Announcement Nickie Hobbs·18th January 2019 A slightly belated Happy New Year everyone…who else cannot believe it is nearing the end of January...EntertainmentEvents & GigsFestivalsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Interview: Drag, Filth, Horror, Glamour: An interview with the Boulet Brothers Nickie Hobbs·18th January 2019Drag, Filth, Horror, Glamour: An interview with the Boulet Brothers ‘Dragula’ is the horror themed sensation that has...BurlesqueEntertainmentFashion & BeautyFullwidth SliderInterviewsLifestyleMusicNews·0 Comments·
Review: Fever 333 – Strength In Numb333rs Nickie Hobbs·16th January 2019Fever 333 Strength In Numb333rs (Roadrunner UK) ‘Strength In Numb333rs’ is the highly anticipated album from Grammy nominated...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsPicksReleasesReview·0 Comments·
Review: Hey Zeus – X Gary Trueman·16th January 2019Hey Zeus X – Argonauta Records Adopt the brace position, because Hey Zeus (geddit?) are unleashing eight blistering...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Review: Corroded – Bitter Gary Trueman·16th January 2019Corroded Bitter – Despotz Records Stalwarts of the Swedish metal scene and highly rated for very good reason,...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsPicksReview·1 Comment·