Review: Lonely Dakota – End Of Days Gary Trueman·30th August 2019 Lonely Dakota End Of Days – Self Released Ones to...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
News: Static-X Announce UK & Europe with Soil, Dope, Wednesday 13 Wisconsin Death Trip 20th Anniversary Tour Nickie Hobbs·29th August 2019Static-X Announce UK & Europe with Soil, Dope, Wednesday 13 Wisconsin Death Trip 20th Anniversary Tour The UK...EntertainmentEvents & GigsGigsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
News: London Rockers Jack & Sally To Release New EP Mark Bestford·28th August 2019London Rockers Jack & Sally To Release New EP Pop Rock Trio To Release ‘Who We Become’ Through...MusicNewsPicksReleasesReview·0 Comments·
Interview: Freyja Phoria “It would be no fun if we all looked the same.” Gary Trueman·28th August 2019Freyja Phoria is a well known figure on the alternative scene. She models, is an artist and makes...Fullwidth SliderInterviewsInterviewsNewsPicks·0 Comments·
Interview: Sally Pepper ” I just write some words and play some chords and see how it sounds.” Gary Trueman·27th August 2019Sally Pepper is a young singer and song writer who has added a bit of punk venom to...Fullwidth SliderInterviewsMusicNewsPicks·0 Comments·
The Rebellion Tapes: La Katrina – musician, model and tattoo artist. Gary Trueman·24th August 2019La Katrina plays bass guitar for the excellent Migrana Social and has quite a few more strings to...FestivalsFullwidth SliderInterviewsMusicNewsPicks·0 Comments·
The Rebellion Tapes: Freda Conlon (Miss Fragile) Gary Trueman·23rd August 2019There’s never a dull moment when Freda Conlon is about. Known for her love of Green day and...FestivalsFullwidth SliderInterviewsMusicNewsPicks·0 Comments·
Review: CoreLeoni – II Gary Trueman·23rd August 2019 CoreLeoni II – AFM Records Put this album on and...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Review: Acres – Lonely World Gary Trueman·23rd August 2019 Acres Lonely World – A Wolf At Your Door Records...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
LondonEdge: Supporting Global Lifestyle and Creative Businesses for 20 Years Nickie Hobbs·23rd August 201940 shows young! LondonEdge: Supporting Global Lifestyle and Creative Businesses for 20 Years 1999… a year of great...Events & GigsFashion & BeautyNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·