Interview: Blasphemer Model “I Think Things Flow Better When You Work Faster” Gary Trueman·6th September 2018You get a lot of alternative models that look amazing, own that pin up style and are sassy...BusinessEntertainmentFashion & BeautyFullwidth SliderInterviewsInterviewsLifestyleMake UpNewsPicksSlider·0 Comments·
Interview: Pulverise – “The sky’s the limit right, I want a llama.” Mark Bestford·4th September 2018Darren, Tom, Vicky, Luke, and Jojo chatted to Devolution Magazine back at Breaking Bands Festival, where they discussed...EntertainmentFestivalsInterviewsMusicPicksReview·0 Comments·
Interview: Psychostick – “If somebody has an idea and it makes all of us laugh, we proceed!” Mark Bestford·2nd September 2018Away from the blazing sun of Amplifried Matt, Josh, Rob, and Alex of Psychostick bared all to Devolution....EntertainmentFestivalsInterviewsMusicPicksReview·0 Comments·
Interview: Tatiana Shmailyuk – Jinjer “When you are here at the festival to gain some new fans you need to do anything possible just to shake them and make them love you.” Mark Bestford·1st September 2018Away from the blazing sun at Amplified festival Devolution Editor Nickie Hobbs had a chat post performance with...FestivalsInterviewsMusicPicksReview·4 Comments·
News: Amplified Festival Mark Bestford·31st August 2018AMPLIFIED INTERNAL PRESS RELEASE With the glorious Summer now fast disappearing it won’t be long before we’re all...FestivalsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Review: Alvin Gibbs & the Disobedient Servants – Ghost Train Mark Bestford·31st August 2018Alvin Gibbs & The Disobedient Servants – Ghost Train What do you get if you take half of...Album & Demo ReviewsEntertainmentMusicPicksReleasesReview·0 Comments·
News: Slayer’s Final World Tour Will Extend To 2019 Mark Bestford·31st August 2018SLAYER’S FINAL WORLD TOUR WILL EXTEND INTO 2019 “We always knew this tour would take us into 2019,”...EntertainmentGigsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Festival Review: Stonedeaf Festival Mark Bestford·29th August 2018Stonedeaf Festival – Newark Showground – 25/08/2018 After two years of extremes, with the wettest and hottest festivals...EntertainmentEvents & GigsFestivalsLive ReviewsMusicPicksReview·0 Comments·
Review: Amplified Festival 2018 Mark Bestford·28th August 2018Amplified Festival 2018 Yet again this years Amplified Festival is one of extreme weather. While 2017 will be...EntertainmentEvents & GigsFestivalsGigsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Interview: Chloe Ozwell (Sister Shotgun) – “Up until I was about 18 I thought I would be a pop singer.” Gary Trueman·27th August 2018If singing for hard rocking Sister Shotgun wasn’t demanding enough Chloe Ozwell is also beginning to carve out...BusinessEntertainmentFashion & BeautyFullwidth SliderInterviewsInterviewsMusicNewsPicks·0 Comments·