Live Review: Dragonforce/Lovebites/McRocklin And Hutch Gary Trueman·14th November 2019Dragonforce, Lovebites McRocklin And Hutch Northampton Roadmender – 13/11/2019 It’s kind of apt that Thomas McRocklin was born...GigsLive ReviewsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Review: The Wildhearts / The Professionals / Janus Stark Mark Bestford·23rd October 2019The Wildhearts / The Professionals / Janus Stark Sub 89, Reading 06/10/2019 It’s a night of punk rock...Fullwidth SliderGigsLive ReviewsMusicPicks·0 Comments·
Review: Static-X / SOiL / Wednesday 13 / Dope Mark Bestford·23rd October 2019Static-X / SOiL / Wednesday 13 / Dope The Engine Rooms, Southampton, 29/09/2019 The queue around the corner...Fullwidth SliderGigsLive ReviewsMusicPicksReview·0 Comments·
Live Review: The Kut/Fuzz And The Felts/Novastatus Gary Trueman·18th October 2019The Kut/Fuzz And The Felts/Novastatus The Met Lounge, Peterborough 17/10/2019 It’s a midweek show, the weather has been...GigsLive ReviewsMusicNewsPicks·0 Comments·
Review: The International London Tattoo Convention 2019 Gary Trueman·30th September 2019There’s a little bit of a milestone to celebrate this year as The International London Tattoo Convention reaches...FeaturesFestivalsLifestyleLive ReviewsNewsPicks·0 Comments·
Live Review: Nova Twins/Bone Cult/Witch Of The East Gary Trueman·24th September 2019Nova Twins/Bone Cult/Witch Of The East Rock City Beta, Nottingham – 20/9/2019 Some things take a little time...GigsLive ReviewsMusicNewsPicks·0 Comments·
Review: The Soap Girls/Desensitised/The Dandylions/Marty Gary Trueman·28th June 2019The Soap Girls, Desensitised, The Dandylions, Marty The Maze, Nottingham – 27/6/2019 There’s a tinge of sadness at...GigsLive ReviewsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Live Review: Electric Eel Shock – The Wheatsheaf, Oxford – 31/03/2019 Mark Bestford·11th April 2019Electric Eel Shock – The Wheatsheaf, Oxford – 31/03/2019 An extensive cross-country trip means we just miss the...GigsLive ReviewsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Live Review: The Lounge Kittens/Grant Sharky Gary Trueman·8th April 2019The Lounge Kittens/Grant Sharky Nottingham Rescue Rooms – 4/4/2019 Lounge Kittens long time friend Grant Sharky mixes comedic...GigsLive ReviewsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Festival Review: HRH AOR Mark Bestford·17th March 2019HRH AOR – Prestatyn, North Wales A festival for AOR music may seem a strange choice for Devolution...FestivalsLive ReviewsMusicPicksReview·0 Comments·