News: Jinjer Drop New Single/Video Ahead Of Their Latest Album Release Gary Trueman·30th January 2025One of modern metal’s most talked-about artists, Ukrainian progressive groove metal icons JINJER, are gearing up to unleash their...MusicNewsPicksReleases·0 Comments·
Review: Jinjer – Duél Gary Trueman·28th January 2025Jinjer Duél Napalm Records We should all know by now Jinjer’s reputation for technically awe inspiring music and...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsReleasesReview·0 Comments·
Review: Jinjer – Live In Los Angeles Gary Trueman·23rd April 2024Jinjer Live In Los Angeles – Napalm Records The essence of a good live album:’ to capture that...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsReleasesReview·0 Comments·
Review: Jinjer -Alive In Melbourne (Live) Gary Trueman·10th December 2020 Jinjer Alive In Melbourne (Live) – Napalm Records How Ukrainian...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
News: Jinjer Releases LEGO Fan Remake of “Perennial” Video Mark Bestford·27th April 2020Jinjer Releases LEGO Fan Remake of “Perennial” Video Watch HERE New Album, Macro, Out Now via Napalm Records Get...MusicNewsPicksReleases·0 Comments·
Live Review: Jinjer/The Agonist/Khroma/Space Of Variations Gary Trueman·3rd December 2019Jinjer/The Agonist/Khroma/Space Of Variations Heaven, London – 29/11/2019 It’s a very early start at Heaven tonight with people...GigsLive ReviewsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Review: Jinjer – Macro Gary Trueman·15th October 2019 Jinjer Macro – Napalm Records There’s a new kid on...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsPicks·0 Comments·
Festival News: Amplified Festival 2019: Friday Main Stage Headliner, VMA Stage Headliners And More Confirmed Acts Mark Bestford·26th October 2018Amplified Festival 2019: Friday Main Stage Headliner, VMA Stage Headliners And More Confirmed Acts “Over the last few...FestivalsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Interview: Tatiana Shmailyuk – Jinjer “When you are here at the festival to gain some new fans you need to do anything possible just to shake them and make them love you.” Mark Bestford·1st September 2018Away from the blazing sun at Amplified festival Devolution Editor Nickie Hobbs had a chat post performance with...FestivalsInterviewsMusicPicksReview·4 Comments·