The Gearbox Interview: Vicky Reader – Drummer Gary Trueman·5th May 2022It’s an amazing thought that so many people go to gigs but never give any consideration to the...Fullwidth SliderInterviewsInterviewsMusicNewsPicks·1 Comment·
Festival Feature: The Pulverise Guide To Festival Camping. Gary Trueman·15th April 2022Camping at a festival is for many just as important a part of the experience as watching the...FestivalsFullwidth SliderInterviewsInterviewsInterviewsMusicNewsPicks·0 Comments·
Interview: Alice’s Ants “There’s not a lot of point in falling out with people.” Gary Trueman·12th April 2022As guitars are being dusted off and gigs get into full swing bands are finding themselves full of...Fullwidth SliderInterviewsInterviewsMusicNewsPicks·1 Comment·
Interview: The Risen Dread ““We’re proud of what we’ve put out, and we’re happy with what we’ve done.” Gary Trueman·24th March 2022A brand new album. A banging tour. And that’s just at the beginning of the year. Where the...Fullwidth SliderInterviewsMusicNewsPicks·0 Comments·
Interview: As Sirens Fall ” It’s such an important part of this band, the sense of togetherness and family.” Gary Trueman·16th March 2022One of the great things about music right now is the willingness of younger artists to try new...Fullwidth SliderInterviewsInterviewsMusicNewsPicks·0 Comments·
Interview: Confess ” I chose to write and sing in English because our topics are about worldwide problems.” Gary Trueman·16th February 2022Imagine living under such an oppressive regime that to make the music you want could get you jailed...Fullwidth SliderInterviewsInterviewsMusicNewsPicks·0 Comments·
Live Review: Nova Twins/Cherym Gary Trueman·11th February 2022Nova Twins/Cherym Rescue Rooms, Nottingham – 10/2/2022 They’d only just flown in from Derry for this show but...Fullwidth SliderGigsLive ReviewsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Interview: Shooting Daggers “Women still have to be validated by the cis men from the scene to be accepted.” Gary Trueman·8th February 2022Making some serious waves on the scene right now are London based Shooting Daggers. With songs such as...Fullwidth SliderInterviewsInterviewsMusicNewsPicks·0 Comments·
Interview: Flesh Tetris “We may not see another Rolling Stones again but there will be more acts like Sparks.” Gary Trueman·28th January 2022Few bands make people stand up and listen and then dance like Flesh Tetris. Their quirky electro pop...Fullwidth SliderInterviewsInterviewsMusicNewsPicks·0 Comments·
Interview: Ayvianna Snow – “I like intelligent horror scripts like psychological horror rather than just slasher films or gory films which can get a bit monotonous.” Nickie Hobbs·26th January 2022This is an actress who is that wonderful mixture of having classical acting talent, an absolutely charming personality...EntertainmentFilm & CinemaFilm and CinemaFullwidth SliderInterviewsInterviewsLifestyleNewsTop News·0 Comments·