Singles Round Up V2.1

Singles Round Up V2.1

Hawxx – Embrace The Ugly

Currently making tsunami sized waves on the music scene Hawxx say the things that need saying and do so with some style too. Their music is fresh and diverse, a full on representation of why the alternative community is so important. When people feel alone or misunderstood, when they feel like outcasts then it is artists like Hawxx that make them feel their own worth.

Hawxx – Facebook

O’Deus (Ft Jazz Urell) – Palindrome

Big riffs, hyper groove rhythms and a booming vocal – what more could you want from a rock song? Palindrome doesn’t pretend to be anything it isn’t. There’s not technical stuff here, although it is proficient. This is just something you’ll want to blast the neighbours with while sipping beer in the garden. It’s a late summer anthem to share far and wide.

O’Deus – Facebook

Lady Rage – Slut Gun

Those Lady Rage minxes are back with another slice of punk metal that somehow gets under to your skin and earworms its way onto your playlists. There’s no shortage of rage at all here but there is melody and some skilful writing too. Siren Sycho is not to be trifled with and now she’s armed herself with a slut gun. Be afraid, be very afraid.

Lady Rage – Facebook

Felicia – Osmium/ You Are The Resistance

A split single that has elements of synth, rock, dance and metal. This is a bit like being hit with a hammer held by a velvet glove. Osmium is almost orchestral in places, this is the velvet. You Are The Resistance forms the hammer, albeit a stylish one. The guitars rock, there’s plenty of drive from everywhere else giving the vocals scope to shine. Felicia’s best work to date.

Felicia – Facebook

Review by Gary Trueman

Photo credit: Hawxx