Review: Static-X – Project Regeneration Vol 1











Project Regeneration Volume 1 – Otsego Entertainment Group

Trailblazers back in the day, this band has never not packed a hellish punch of innovation, volume and power. With an unbreakable bond between band and fan, and being highly visual to boot. Long story short – Static-X’s new release was not going to be greeted by anything other than open arms and glad hearts. To suggest otherwise would not only be disrespectful but also a downright lie. ‘Project Regeneration Volume 1’ is stuffed with some of the finest beeps, bleeps, riffs and rhythms alternative music – nay – music has seen in yonks. Static-X’s seventh studio album is a rowdy, glass smashing, battering ram of a release. Twelve brand new tracks featuring the inimitable voice and musical compositions of tragically departed Wayne Static. It’s awesome. So much so, every song is a standout. Gushing but true. And there’s a second volume to come. ‘Project Regeneration’ is a gift that keeps on giving. Apart from anything else, it feels really good to get some Static back into our lives. This album blasts you right back to smoked filled, cider fuelled rock club nights, that played the first tune of the night at an hour when many of us are now happily tucked up in bed. That said, in the sh*t show that is 2020, it manages to sound contemporary and forward thinking at the same time. The following statement is probably gonna pop up a lot in reviews of ‘Project Regeneration’: ‘Static-X have done themselves, their fans, and their late frontman proud’. And what better recommendation can there be?

Static-X – Facebook

Review by Jo Wright