Sons Of Alpha Centauri
Continuum – H42 Records
For those of a certain age who may or may not have liked to partake of the wearing of kaftans and flowers in their hair Continuum may sound spookily familiar, and yet naggingly not. The Sons Of Alpha Centauri are an instrumental throwback that somehow manage to fit into the 21st century without breaking the space time continuum. Maybe that explains the album title, who knows? The space themed tracks will please anyone who still listens to bands like Yes or even Gong but will most likely utterly baffle anyone else. There’s some seriously visionary writing in here but it’s tinged with a level of proggy indulgence that means you kinda light the blue touch paper and wait….. and wait. The lack of vocals don’t help here either because they would no doubt give the listener a bit of focus, for those that want to. It might not be a banger in the clubs but maybe just maybe Continuum will endear itself to those people who just want to chill out with some sweet leaf and thoughts of peace. A unique album that will no doubt find it’s place, and not just on the dark side of the moon.
Sons Of Alpha Centauri – Facebook