Review: The Hyena Kill – Spun EP


The Hyena Kill

Spun EP – APF Records

There are many things you might want to question about The Hyena Kill.  The first and most obvious one is how the hell do two people sound like four?  The soundscape that Steven Dobb and Lorna Blundell manage to produce as a duo is quite simply astonishing.  It’s also worth asking why the Mancunians aren’t a more recognised force when they easily out rock acts such as Royal Blood.  Spun shows the pair have more than one string to their bow too.  The obvious connection to metal core is tempered by chilled out alt rock and even some little passages that are well in to indie territory.  It makes the music on offer a real delight to listen to. The Hyena Kill might just be one of Manchester’s best kept secrets, but you can’t help feeling the cat is about to be let out of the bag.

The Hyena Kill – Facebook