Live Review: New Model Army, The Roundhouse, London

They may have been around the sun more times than most but Ned’s Atomic Dustbin know how to put on a show. The sheer energy of the band is something to behold, as is their laid back musicianship and Jonn Penny’s still crisp vocals. The cyclical nature of the industry does leave some artists high and dry, never to return. Here though after reforming way back in 2000 Ned’s Atomic Dustbin have simply gone from strength to strength. Tonight they are in many ways at their very best. They use their outstanding back catalogue to best effect while rocking out with great maturity, and no doubt make a few new fans too.

New Model Army suit The Roundhouse so well. You can tell, they love playing here too. The hand and glove relationship is everywhere. Justin Sullivan notes that there’s no air conditioning so things are a little bit warm, just how it should be. And he’s right, the sweaty nature of the gig makes it feel more intimate, and more alive. It’s like one of those classic small venue performances that are the making of an emerging artist, only this is a big venue hosting legends. We get new songs and old including the timeless ‘Green And Grey’ which is played along with other songs from the 35 year old ‘Thunder And Consolation’ album. Sullivan poignantly notes that they seem to be celebrating anniversary moments with increasing frequency these days. Passionately independent New Model Army continue to thrill fans spanning generations. Tonight we see perfectly why they are something to be cherished.

Review and photos by Gary Trueman