Beyond Salvation
A Line In The Sand – Self Released
With this their eighth release in just seven years of existence you’d can’t really call Beyond Salvation slouches in the writing department. They have an old school edge about them too, boasting some superb thrashing guitars and scuzzy vocals. With a theme of moving forward positively this brutally fine three track EP sounds like the Manchester crew are in a hell of a hurry too. It races along like an apocalyptic juggernaut. Before you know it you’re at the end and hitting play to hear it all over again. The clever bit is that the obvious influences aren’t too obvious giving the band not only a distinct sound but also one that is right up to date. The production plays its part here too keeping everything balanced and audible. Best of all this cracking EP whets your appetite making you want to see these songs played live. The only downside is that you get just three tracks to savour. You can almost hear the cries of ‘we want more’ already.
Review by Gary Trueman