Review: Cvlt Ov The Svn – Luna In The Sky Forever










Cvlt Ov The Svn

Luna In The Sky Forever – OMN

Sooooo, this is creepy. It’s ok – it’s supposed to be. It’s not just me being jumpy because people keep hiding in the cupboard under the stairs and screaming ‘boo!’ at me when I go to find my Converse. Cvlt Ov The Svn write ‘Occult Murder Pop’, so to expect anything other than hissing, rasping, slightly high-pitched vocals would be something of an error. This chilling four-tracker is intriguing, eerie and unique. And a little bit bonkers. The tune of ‘Luna In The Sky Forever’ is catchy, upbeat and heavy on the bound-along bass. Maybe even pop… Same throughout the rest of the EP. Cvlt Ov The Svn can really put together a tune. It’s the vocals that are a complete curveball. Which is cool. And what is really unsettling is that you can hear every single word. There’s no thrash metal induced ‘pardon me?’ We are fully forced into Cvlt Ov The Svn’s world. Go on – step in. See you on the other side…

Cvlt Ov The Svn – Facebook

Review by Jo Wright