10 Items to Bring To a Convention

con-110 Items to Bring To a Convention

Throughout the year we get all kinds of conventions pop up; makeup, yoga, horror, anime, clothing and the classic Comic Con! The summer is no friend to the ever-growing popularity of comic/film conventions with a mixture of hot weather, huge crowds, long lines and impractical imaginative costumes! Here are ten items we recommend you bring to make your weekend run smoothly. Remember; Hydration, communication and organisation!

1. Hand Sanitizer

There are a lot of people at conventions. You will meet guests, make new friends and touch things that probably thousands of people also have. Keep the germs at bay with a pocket size hand sanitizer.

2. Cash (and a safe place to put it)

Not all stalls at conventions will take card especially at smaller ones. Your best bet is to take cash with you to avoid disappointment and high charging ATM machines. Plus taking a set amount of money will mean you have a budget and don’t spend money you shouldn’t be spending!

3. Water

At busy summer conventions it can get very hot and the big costumes and massive crowds don’t help! Some places will charge double or even triple everyday prices for a single bottle of water so try and bring your own if you can. Watch out though because some conventions may not let you bring it in (alcohol police). Keep hydrated!

4. Deodorant

Summer heat brings its more smelly problems. Whether it’s you sweating from travel and excitement or the smell of people around you, keep a little travel spray on you to keep fresh.


5. Comfy Shoes

Some of the more popular conventions can really be massive. This also means they can be a little further out of city centres too so by the time you’ve travelled to the event your feet can be tired, let alone a full day of walking up, down and around all the stalls. Either start your day with comfy shoes or bring a small pair to change into later.

6. Portable phone charger/Cable

In a large group? Is the ticket on your email? Using your phone as a camera? Whatever the case, it is a nightmare when your phone dies at these events, especially when you are using it for travel directions! You can get great cheap portable phone chargers for events like this if you can’t find a plug.

7. Some form of camera

It’s not always the best idea to rely on your phone to take photos of all the costumes, talks and guests you may see on the day. Unless you are a professional photographer, don’t go nuts on the size. Just bring something convenient and portable.


8. Costume first aid kit

Whether you are a cosplayer or simply a fancy-dress enthusiast, one thing we recommend is a costume first aid kit A.K.A sewing kit. Think of the most likely things that may go wrong with your costume and take a mini kit to help with any potential rips or problems!

9. Snacks 

Not all conventions have a lot of places to eat and the ones they do get filled up quickly. All that walking will burn a lot of energy and in all the excitement you may simply forget lunch. Keep some snacks and bars on hand or even a little packed lunch.

10. A bag to keep it all in 

Make sure you have a comfortable bag to keep it all in! There is a big range of stalls at conventions so the temptation to buy lots may be too much to bare, either bring a bag big enough to hold your purchases or bring some extra bags for life/canvas bags which fold tightly!


If you are a fan of prints and signed images, best to bring a POSTER TUBE too!

Not everyone will have pens so just in case, bring a SHARPIE/PEN to not miss out


By Alice Bizarre


Alice Bizarre is an SFX make-up artist and film writer, a prop maker and prosthetic sculptor based north of London.Wife of a wolfman and mummy of a baby bat.