Interview: Chloe Ozwell (Sister Shotgun) “I wanted people to see a completely different side of me.” Gary Trueman·28th September 2021When music is in your blood you find a way to make it happen. Lockdown, no problem, let’s...Fullwidth SliderInterviewsInterviewsMusicNewsPicks·0 Comments·
Review: Sister Shotgun – Fragments Gary Trueman·24th April 2019Sister Shotgun Fragments – Pavement Music Over 50 years ago a band from Birmingham called Black Sabbath started...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Live review: Skarlett Riot/Fahran/Sister Shotgun/Crosslight Gary Trueman·30th March 2019Skarlett Riot/Fahran/Sister Shotgun/Crosslight Nottingham Rock City Basement – 28/3/2019 The Rock City Basement had a makeover not that...Fullwidth SliderGigsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Interview: Chloe Ozwell (Sister Shotgun) – “Up until I was about 18 I thought I would be a pop singer.” Gary Trueman·27th August 2018If singing for hard rocking Sister Shotgun wasn’t demanding enough Chloe Ozwell is also beginning to carve out...BusinessEntertainmentFashion & BeautyFullwidth SliderInterviewsInterviewsMusicNewsPicks·0 Comments·