News: HEX – Birdeatsbaby’s Infernal New Music Video Mark Bestford·19th April 2023HEX, from Birdeatsbaby – Out Now Produced by award-winning Evan Rodaniche (of Cage9 fame), HEX is a post-metal...MusicNewsPicksReleasesReview·0 Comments·
Review: Birdeatsbaby – The World Conspires Gary Trueman·26th July 2019 Birdeatsbaby The World Conspires – Self Released Remember how...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsPicksReview·1 Comment·
Interview: Mishkin Fitzgerald (Birdeatsbaby) “Anger or putting someone down has never solved anything.” Gary Trueman·11th July 2018Progressive music doesn’t have to be plod along dull as Birdeatsbaby prove. Their dark but fun and always...BusinessEntertainmentFullwidth SliderInterviewsMusicNewsPicks·0 Comments·