Review: Kill The Unicorn – Prism


Kill The Unicorn

Prism – Self Released

The first thing this band have that might make people take a step back is their name.  Why would you kill a unicorn?  They are after all universally liked aren’t they?  And then we get to the music which is effectively metalcore with a veneer hardcore to make it edgy.  The thing is they play that music so wonderfully well.  It’s not new, nor is it challenging.  But it does bring a smile to your face.  Even the vocals outwardly sound typically throaty and menacing.  But they’re throaty and menacing with style.  Prism then isn’t just another late entry into the halls of metalcore history.  It is, as they say, a bit of a banger.  Tight musicianship, nice variations in tempo, and spot on production.  Don’t suppose they’d change their name to Pet The Unicorn though just to appease mythic beast lovers…… probably not.

Kill The Unicorn – Facebook