Fyzz Wallis
Wrong – Self released
Life – it’s a funny thing isn’t it? We make our way through it with a general sense that we’re all together, and yet we’re all individuals too, we all fly solo to a certain extent. It’s the things in life that make us who we are that Fyzz Wallis writes about so effectively. Our fears and aspirations, the things that make us angry and happy, the parts of our existence that make us truly feel, that is what Wrong has at its core. Straddling comfortably between new wave and grunge the tempo is generally upbeat. It’s simple but effective melody driven music that is easy to listen to. Where the album really punches hard is through the lyrics. The wordsmithing is intelligent and witty. You find yourself knowingly nodding to subject matter, identifying with where Fyzz is coming from. This in turn makes you feel understood yourself. So this is a feelgood record through empathy of lyric – and writer. That’s why you have to say that wrong has never felt, or sounded, so right.
Review by Gary Trueman