Live Review: Alt Blk Era (Album Launch), The Saltbox, Nottingham

The Salt Box sits just at the back of the Motorpoint Arena and is a surprisingly large space with a good-sized stage. Described as a mix of Grunge and Shoegaze openers Stained Glass give it the beans right from the outset. You get the Seattle centred genre coming through loud, very loud actually, and clear. The shoegaze being more shoe leather, or should that be bootstraps? It’s a dynamic performance from a band that haven’t been around for very long. Any rough edges are more than made up for with the song writing and sheer enthusiasm of delivery. This is an act that could go far.

The gremlins have well and truly got into the workings of Mimi Bark’s laptop. They may force a few stops and even a reboot, but they can’t diminish just what a star Barks is. Many would have folded but she steps up and still produces the goods through the interruptions. The music seems livelier than in the past, certainly the stage craft is now fully on point and honed razor sharp, and of course the theatrics of outfit and lighting only enhance everything. It may have taken a little while to become established, to win over the majority of naysayers, but those foundations prove rock solid when most needed. This is someone heading for the top.

You have to admire Alt Blk Era for having such mature heads on shoulders so young. Away from the music, and inspiring their songs, they’ve dealt with more already than some have to in a lifetime. And importantly they’ve come through it all in a way that gives joy and hope to others. Tonight is their night; the launch of debut album ‘Rave Immortal’ and they shine like a galaxy of stars. The venue isn’t small, and it’s sold out which is impressive. The crowd are adoring, and the mood is celebratory. Sisters Nyrobi and Chaya, even since their wonderful performance at Download, have come so far. They sound and look like they’re destined for world domination they’re that good. Their lovely mix of D&B, rap, pop and rock is so easy to listen to and yet punches hard too. They have true mass appeal, and they know how to work that stage. This is the sound the future makes, and it’s as bright as the sun.

Review and Photos by Gary Trueman