Review: Conan – Evidence Of Immortality











Evidence Of Immortality – Napalm Records

We all love a good doom record. Is that a thing? Do ‘love’ and ‘doom’ go together? Or should they never be uttered in the same sentence for fear the speaker will be forever cursed? Who knows? Who cares! Not heavy Brit barbarians Conan, that’s for sure. You don’t like ‘Evidence Of Immortality’? These shrieking riff banshees will scare you into submission. They’ll rap their low, grinding riffs around your head like nobody’s business. These tunes get so low down on the register they could shake even the sturdiest of foundations. The vocals don’t always do the same though, and hit up higher tones at times. It’s also worth noting there are only three musicians making such a massive noise. The whole damn album is a highlight, but ‘Grief Sequence’, at 14.31 minutes, deserves a mention – if only for being so unsettling that Devo fears she will never sleep soundly again. Or maybe that’s what having caffeinated coffee at 6.30pm does to you…

Conan – Facebook

Review by Jo Wright