Review: Arch Enemy – Deceivers










Arch Enemy

Deceivers – Century Media Records

Five long years have passed since ‘Will To Power’ first rocked the world so this is a big record for Arch Enemy. Half a decade is a long time in music. Artists grow and develop all the time so it’s to be expected that ‘Deceivers’ would show that progression. There are all the hallmarks you’d expect. The machine gun tempo, the sweeping guitars and those brutal vocals. What is new is Alissa White-Gluz’ clean vocals being used so prominently on opener ‘Handshake With Hell’. Purists might hate this but it adds an extra dynamic. This increased depth is carried forward in the writing with some softer moments emphasising the melodies. The instrumental ‘Mourning Star’ is the perfect example of this. When the gloves come off though Arch Enemy are still right up there dishing out knock out blows with ease. White-Gluz proves once again to be a master of contained power making lyrics incredibly well defined in those death growls. The rhythm section is a relentless beast powering it’s way forward while the guitar work is rapier like in its precision. ‘Deceivers’ is the record we hoped for and then some. Arch Enemy, take a bow.

Arch Enemy – Facebook

Review by Gary Trueman