Review: Bridear – Aegis Of Athena











Aegis Of Athena – Setsuzoku Records

We’ve seen a lot of Japanese metal artists enter the world stage of late. The likes of Baby Metal and Lovebites have gained a strong following in the mainstream. The underground is well represented too by wonderful acts such as Band Maid. So where do five piece Bridear fit into the jigsaw? Well common to pretty much every act coming out of Japan right now they’re technically gifted. The song writing is strong with a move far away from old traditional paths. Aegis Of Athena blends metal and hard rock with a near pop production. It’s not bubble gum sweet though. This album is deeply rooted in the use of the guitar. It’s edgy but very accessible. Conventions are discarded like confetti too. Opening track ‘Side Of A Bullet’ is a prog marathon at nearly ten minutes long. Synth is dragged into the twenty first century and used with real imagination in the intro to ‘Greed’. Bridear are a band looking forward and have a creative flair that should stand them in good stead as they progress.  Aegis Of Athena is a bright and breezy record filled with happy vibes. It’s just what most of us need on our playlists right now.

Bridear – Facebook

Review by Gary Trueman