Review: The Sword – Used Future


The Sword

Used Future – Razor And Tie

Every time you hear The Sword you have to wonder why they’re not in A list territory.  Their brand of groovy sludge rock is as contemporary as Kyuss in their heyday but also manages to link back to the greats of yesteryear such as Deep Purple and the mighty Led Zeppelin.  A modern band for fans of a bye-gone era might be doing them a disservice as their shows garner all ages.  Their music is timeless though and latest offering Used Future simply reinforces that fact.  With more emphasis on building songs than blasting them at you it’s a record that needs playing a few times to really get it.  Slow burners are often the ones that last though and this is full of passages that you’ll want to hear many times.  Used Future even manages to pull off a retro production without losing focus which is a pretty mean feat.  Full of songs that will light up summer festivals and winter venues alike this could be the album to take The Sword to the level they richly deserve.

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