News: Uprising Announcement: Black Orchid Empire, Defences, Tayne and More Announced. Nickie Hobbs·20th January 2025Uprising Announcement: Black Orchid Empire, Defences, Tayne and more announced. Tickets on sale NOW for £38.50 | Under...Events & GigsFestivalsMusicNewsPicksUncategorised·0 Comments·
Special Feature: Devolution Staff Reveal Their Top Five Albums of 2024! Nickie Hobbs·19th December 2024We’ve been treated to an abundance of high-quality music in 2024, a testament to the industry’s resilience in...MusicNewsPicksReleasesSlider·0 Comments·
Review: Hidden Mothers – Erosion / Avulsion Nickie Hobbs·10th November 2024Hidden Mothers Erosion / Avulsion Church Road Records Hidden Mothers have experienced a steep incline over the past...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsReleasesReview·0 Comments·
Live Review: Mangata Festival 2024 Gary Trueman·16th July 2024With four stages based around the legendary Rescue Rooms in Nottingham and a focus on up and coming...FestivalsLive ReviewsMusicNewsPicksSlider·0 Comments·
Live Review: DVNE & Hidden Mothers, Brudenell Social Club, Leeds Nickie Hobbs·12th May 2024We have been looking forward to this gig for a while now. Two bands poised to take 2024...Events & GigsMusicNewsPicks·0 Comments·
Interview: Hidden Mothers “We’re really down to the point now where we’re mostly playing material from the forthcoming album. Which will be out at some point in 2024.” Nickie Hobbs·10th February 2024We have arranged a meeting with Hidden Mothers in Manchester and bassist and lead singer Liam Knowles, have...InterviewsMusicNewsSliderTop News·0 Comments·