Review: Gun – Favourite Pleasures Nickie Hobbs·13th August 2017Gun Favourite Pleasures (Universal) Scottish rock band GUN who are celebrating 30yrs in the industry. They first crashed...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicReleasesReview·0 Comments·
Festival Review: Amplified 2017 Nickie Hobbs·3rd August 2017Amplified Festival 2017 With so many festivals failing in their first year it’s a true testament to festival...FestivalsMusicUncategorised·0 Comments·
Devolution Magazine – Issue 42 Nickie Hobbs·21st July 2017Featuring: Dan Sperry, Life Of Agony, Danzig, Mz Bones, Delain, Devilment, Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes, Rebellion, Alice...Past Issues·0 Comments·
A Quick Chat With: Dead Hands Nickie Hobbs·19th July 2017Hey guys that was one hell of a show you played tonight, can you tell the readers a...MusicNewsReview·0 Comments·
New KILLSTAR x Marilyn Manson Collaboration for 2017 Nickie Hobbs·18th July 2017New KILLSTAR x Marilyn Manson Collaboration for 2017 KILLSTAR are excited to announce the launch of KILLSTAR x...ClothingDesigner SpotlightFashion & BeautyNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
News: In This Moment have revealed their dark take on Phil Collins’ classic track, ‘In The Air Tonight’ in visual form Nickie Hobbs·18th July 2017IN THIS MOMENT have revealed their dark take on Phil Collins’ classic track, ‘In The Air Tonight’ in...NewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Obscene Extreme Festival 2017 – 5 Day Running Order Nickie Hobbs·27th June 2017 We are really looking forward to flying out to Trutnov next week to attend our...Events & GigsFestivalsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
News: Just 51 Days To Bloodstock Festival Nickie Hobbs·20th June 2017 Just 51 days to BLOODSTOCK FESTIVAL Not long now before the BLOODSTOCK faithful thunder onto the hallowed...Events & GigsFestivalsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
News: Wednesday 13 is making a return to the UK this October Nickie Hobbs·14th June 2017WEDNESDAY 13 is making a return to the UK this October with his electric set in support of...Events & GigsNewsPicksReview·1 Comment·
My Hometown: Professor Elemental: “In Brighton there’s a greater chance that you’ll end up somewhere weird with someone unexpected doing something you hadn’t imagined and really enjoying it.” Nickie Hobbs·14th June 2017Brighton is as famous for its free spirited nature as it is for the pier (it used to...Fullwidth SliderInterviewsMusic·0 Comments·