Review: The City Is Ours – Will You Still Love Me


Will You Still Love Me

Arising Empire

With an impressive roster, German label Arising Empire has quickly become the go-to label for all that’s good and heavy, and a prime example is London crew TheCityIsOurs. They’re a strange amalgamation of metal influences with pop sensibilities and that makes an intriguing proposition. Metalcore was a scene built around a masculine aesthetic, so the application of a pop veneer softens the vibe somewhat and will undoubtedly attract a more diverse crowd. But make no mistake, TheCityIsOurs come heavily laden with crushing riffs, pounding drums and demonic vocals, yet there’s a soft underbelly that’s sure to make their gigs a lot of fun and you’re more likely to catch a hug than a stray fist. The electro beat that introduces opening shot ‘Shame’ soon evolves into a metalcore monster and this push and pull between the two will continue throughout Will You Still Love Me. It is never knowing in what guise the band will appear that holds the listener’s attention as two seemingly diametrically opposed genres tussle for supremacy. TheCityIsOurs are redefining musical boundaries and in a case of fortune favouring the brave, it really works. Today the City, tomorrow the world.

Review by Peter Dennis