Special Feature: A View From The Bar – The Garys 2024

I tend to talk about more serious subjects in my regular ‘View From The Bar’ column in Devolution’s print issues so I thought it would be nice to end the year with something a little more lighthearted. So that’s why I felt it was an appropriate time to dish out some Gary Awards. It’s been quite a year for many reasons some fantastic and a few worthy of the loudest raspberry. Venues continue to struggle but grassroots music, against all the odds, continues to thrive. The quality young emerging artists put out never ceases to amaze me. Alternative fashion continues to take point seeing many of its innovations and creations appearing more and more in the mainstream. Again, it’s the independent often one person brands that are leading the way. So here then are my sometimes tongue in cheek, sometimes not Garys for this last twelve months.

Award for the best album:

There’s a top five albums list by myself and other staff members of Devolution in a feature all of its own. So please (hopefully after reading this) go and check it out.  

Link here: https://devolutionmagazine.co.uk/2024/12/19/special-feature-devolution-staff-reveal-their-top-five-albums-of-2024/

The song that spoke the loudest to me award:

‘Epstein’ by Delilah Bon. A warning from history put into lyrics that cuts so deep.  This is Bon at her very best.

Award for the most aptly named band:

Blind Channel during their set at Rock City where no one could see them because the smoke machine had run amok. They did sound pretty awesome mind you.

The I’ve worn my shoes out award for best small festival:

Mangata Festival. Absolutely fantastic organisation across four stages in three venues. This meant I was a bit greedy and decided to shoot all the bands. I got some great shots and sore feet.

Godeth rocking Mangata at the Tap ‘N’ Tumbler

The best use of an 02 Academy venue award:

Uprising Festival who did great work making use of the Leicester 02 to the fullest and putting on such a well-run event.

Award for the most fun in a small space:

Twisted and The Ostrich in Peterborough. With the demise of the bijou Chameleon in Nottingham you have to now go to this compact venue for sardine like fun. You can literally be both in the front row and resting your tipple on the corner of the bar at the same time. Twisted is a fun night out with inclusivity at its heart.

A touch of class award:

There are joint winners here. Cabinet Sinistro for the show ‘Sanguine Supper’ and The Bedford Pub in Balham for providing such a luscious backdrop. A horror themed alternative cabaret that is both unique and full of class.

An honourable mention goes out to Missy Fatale for her Martini Glass performance at Club Antichrist.

The I was there iconic live performance award:

Wargasm at The Waterfront in Norwich. Norfolk folk can be quite….. picky, when it comes to live music. Reputations mean nothing, performance is everything. Wargasm blew the roof off and the crowd loved them.

Wargasm and their venue roof removal service in full swing

Award for services to festival camping:

My Download Festival colleague Aggy Gillon for managing somehow to arrive on site and trying to pitch two tent bottoms, no top and no poles. The look of puzzlement was priceless. A new abode was swiftly purchased.

The let’s just send Colin out award:

Rebellion Festival for locking down and being peaceful then helping clear up after some (but not many) extremist nutters decided to have a march in Blackpool. Why Colin? Well if you know you know.

The raised eyebrows I didn’t expect that award:

This has to go to Alice Hour of fearsome punks In Evil Hour for the band’s acoustic set at Rebellion. It turns out Alice has a stunning singing voice, and no one knew outside of the band. A truly memorable moment at the event.

The synchronised photography award:

The photographer known as Ri Chud on socials who worked with me to alternate taking images at a sold-out Infected Rain show at The Underworld in London. We shared such a small part of the front row we ended up doing a kind of camera Swan Lake to get our shots. Thanks Mate!

Award for making music, art and fashion combine into one entity:

Bambie Thug at Heaven and Download Festival. An artist that has it all. Well penned songs, great outfits, wonderful choreography and a beautiful wide-ranging voice.

Bambie Thug witching out at Heaven

There’s a cat in shot again modelling award:

Futuristicgoth, who spent much of one of our shoots fussing a little feral white feline. We did get some work done too, honest!

Best independent designer award:

This goes to Bloodlust Clothing and the endlessly talented Sophie Young who designs and makes all her outfits, is a damn fine model and plays bass guitar in Star Circus too. Sophie also scoops the never a hair out of place award.

The award for doing the zombie apocalypse with the most style:

Naty Metal meets Hello Kitty. A fab day out at Station 53a Studio featuring pint sized Naty, some very big guns and the legendary Kittypocalypse and friends at Attitude Autos.

Naty and Kittypocalypse, entering the end of days in style!

Pun intended award for the modelling trooper of the year:

You’re still recovering from not being well, it’s not the warmest place in town and some photographer is expecting you to pour yourself into a variety of handkerchief sized outfits. Ruby Alexia take a bow. You nailed it. Thanks for all your help too, Arno. The results are in issue 55.

The don’t worry the locals don’t bite (often) award:

Enter Shikari win this for coming out on to the fens after dark to play The Gliderdrome in Boston. They smashed it too. Thanks for making this often-overlooked part of the country very happy.

And Finally. The thank you for such a memorable year award:

This goes to you. Thank you for your support and for actually making it through my rambling end of year Garys. Now it’s time to eat too many mince pies, drink until merry and fall asleep in front of a roaring fire with a paper hat sat at a curiously jaunty angle.

The Devolution team and I will see you in 2025.

Awards hosted by and all photos by Gary Trueman

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