Review: Seething Akira – Cancel Estate

Seething Akira

Cancel Estate

Earache Records

News of Seething Akira’s fourth album came at short notice, one minute they’re playing a few live shows and the next it’s “here’s a track off our new album coming soon”. And coming soon it is, just in time to hit the Halloween playlists. While it won’t knock crowd pleasers Punishment Instructions and Metaphors off the band’s setlists any time soon, it’s still chock full of songs with that distinctive Seething Akira sound. You know what you’re going to get, but it seems the band is growing in maturity with each release. They’ve pulled the best of the album out as teaser tracks as well, so by the time they’re playing live again everyone will already be singing along to Resilient and Sunflower Shadows. If you’d said last decade that the party band of the 2020s was going to be an anime inspired nu metal band blending hardcore and dubstep no one would have believed you, but here we are.

Review by Mark Bestford