You could easily miss the entrance to Heaven sandwiched as it is between the many retailers in the arches arcade in Charing Cross. It’s a veritable Tardis of a venue though which opens out into a big room with series of balconies and little mini bars down one side.
The Darklings fit in perfectly with the club vibe playing stylish synth pop to an already large crowd. They may not have been around for very long but they know how to write bangers. Their set is littered with them. While the music is cool it’s the interaction the duo have with each other and the crowd that’s so impressive. That and the high quality vocals which see the pairing compliment each other in pitch and tone. Tonight they are the perfect support act. The future will hopefully see them on a headline tour.

It’s hard to ignore Bambie Thug at the moment. They made themselves heard loud and clear at the Eurovision Song Contest standing up firmly for what they believe in. They nailed a main stage performance at Download Festival in June. And they continue to make new fans at an amazing rate. Here’s the thing though. Behind all the face paint and costumes (which are amazing anyway) is a huge talent. Bambie Thug knows how to write songs that hit home. And they have a wonderful vocal to back that up too. Every now and again tonight there are little gasps as notes as clear as spring water are hit and held. To do this live so consistently is like digging for gold and finding a nugget every time. And then when it’s screamo time it’s balanced and well controlled. As a spectacle this is something special too. The choreography is exceptional. You have to applaud the two dancers working with Bambie here, they put in a hell of a shift. Visually this is about as good as it gets. While the witchiness and dark themes are the mainstay of the show we get to see another side too as Bambie sings from a wheely bin being towed around by one of her dancers with everyone in Hi-Vis jackets. Not many could pull that look off and still look fabulous. Tonight Heaven lives up to its name. The future for Bambie Thug looks assured.

Review And Photos By Gary Trueman