It’s not always that a band clicks immediately. Sometimes you just need to find that final piece to complete the formula. That’s what’s happened to Lady Rage recently. They were always good but with the introduction of new guitarist Nika and a subtle change in direction everything has fallen into place. On the Empress Stage at Rebellion they looked and sounded world class. Gary Trueman chatted to the four piece later that same day to talk about playing the festival, early reactions to their debut album and future touring plans.
You’ve been here promoting your show since the festival started and you’ve just opened the day on the Empress Ballroom stage so how was that?
“It felt terrifying for the first two days, then when we were there Siren was still stressed. When we got on stage and did the sound check and that all went wrong we were even more stressed. But then when we did it properly we weren’t so stressed. There were quite a few people there.”
Were you surprised that many people came out so early to see you play?
“We were surprised so many people did turn up yes. We did give out 3000 flyers over the previous three days so that might have had something to do with it.”
The crowd reaction at the end was good too, they loved you.
“Yes, it was a good reaction.”
It’s a big stage. Plenty of room to run around on, is it the biggest stage you’ve played on?
“Yes, for Siren with Lady Rage yes too.”
You’ve not long released your first full album ‘Hear Me Screaming’. What’s the reaction to that been like?
“So so. We haven’t had all the reviews back yet. We’ve had a couple back and they’ve not been great. But we’ve had a couple of good ones too. It’s been mixed, so maybe some people get it and some don’t. The change we’ve had from the punk rock background to more of a metal influence people possibly have been thrown off a bit by that change in style. But that’s where we’re at at the moment.”
That change in style does sit better with the vocals though doesn’t it?
“It does. Where we are now that metal approach does suit the vocals more.”
You’ve got the album out and you’ve played Rebellion. Are you looking to tour that album now for a while?
“We are going to be doing a tour next year but we can’t say who the other bands on that tour are just yet. We don’t want to say anything in case it falls through. We’re playing Balstock on the second weekend in September. We’ll also be doing the odd other gig here and there too. We’ll be making another music video shortly too.”
Was the album written over quite a long period of time?
“Yes and no. This Lullaby has been around ages. Hold On Tight is quite an old song. The rest of them were done with Nika (new guitarist) writing the music and Siren doing the lyrics. So it’s mostly new songs.”
You’ve mentioned the change in your style. Has that come about primarily because of bringing Nika in who is an amazing guitarist?
“Yes definitely, she comes from more of a metal background, so we’ve got that going into the mix.”
We did see a bit of shredding on stage at Rebellion this year.
“Finally haha. Fucking awesome!”

You’ve been at Rebellion all weekend promoting. Who are the bands you’ve been wanting to catch while you’re here, who have you seen that you’ve really liked?
“Knuckleheadz are really good. The War Lovers. Maid Of Ace were really good too. 18Fevers of course were amazing. We want to see Dummy Toys. We saw Bar Stool Preachers in the Opera House. We liked them. And Conflict.”
What do you think about Rebellion Festival putting on so many female artists?
“It’s fantastic. All these other festivals have so little female representation and Rebellion shows everyone else up doesn’t it. It’s exceptional for female artists to be on the main stage. Now the other festivals need to follow them really.”
It proves the acts are out there doesn’t it?
“It does. It’s still not 50/50 but it’s better than other festivals. There’s more than last year.”
The introducing stage on Sunday is the Loud Women stage with all the acts having female representation.
“Oh wow! That’s amazing. We’ll need to get down there and support them. We’d love to get on a Loud Women tour or one of their festivals.”
Is there anything you’d like to say to the people that turned up to see you play here and the ones that have come to your shows over the years?
“Thank you and tag us in all your videos and photos. Thanks for coming to see us we really appreciate it.”
Interview And Photos By Gary Trueman