Review: Uncle Acid And The Deadbeats – Nell’ Ora Blu

Uncle Acid And The Deadbeats

Nell’ Ora Blu – Rise Above Records

If you’re an Uncle Acid And The Deadbeats fan or a newbie we can imagine the feeling listening to this album will be pretty similar. For fans, don’t expect what you have heard before, this is an entirely different approach from their previous release six years ago. Nell’ Ora Blu is a concept album inspired by 70s Italian cinema. It’s closer to a movie on the radio accompanied by a soundtrack rather than your typical record. As you may have guessed the dialogue is in Italian, so if you don’t know Italian you may feel a bit lost at times following the story line. There are various interviews available where front man Kevin Starrs can help talk you through it in depth. Despite that, with the music from these seasoned pros and the performances from acclaimed Italian actors including Edwige French and Franco Nero are atmospheric enough for you to pick up the tone and emotions expressed. You have to hand it to Starrs for creating something straight from his heart and colourful mind, fully acknowledging it may lack a wider appeal and that the listener will be “left exhausted” upon finishing it. This is nineteen tracks which flow as a story and we believe it’s worth a listen as although unusual it’s well done and who else would be brave enough to do something like this right now? So sit back, grab a beveridge and get indulge yourself.

Uncle Acid And The Deadbeats – Facebook

Review by Aggy Gillon