Pandemonium II: The Battle of the Underworlds – AFM Records
Industrial. Gothic. Metal. Now there are three words that make the world a better place
simply on their own. But put them all together and what have you got? Lord have mercy!
You’ve gone and got yourself a fully immersive riot of fast-moving story-telling gothic
goodness. Congrats! Frankly, a small fire could’ve broken out around Devo but she’s so
captivated by Gothministers’ fantastical tales set to ferocious sounds she’d have no clue.
And she’d still be cold. Never have the lyrics, ‘I will eat your flesh/I will drink your
bloooooood,’ been sung so melodically. Dancefloor-worthy ‘Tonight’ has a pop vibe to it –
vocally and musically. The keys in ‘We Are The Heroes’ are uplifting. See! Us Goths are
happy little creatures. Sometimes. Maybe. ‘We Come Alive’ is a bonkers catchy song which
would be super-creepy were it not for the happy hooks which make you want to do a joyous
hop, skip and jump as opposed to boarding up the windows, which would probably be a
better course of action. Pick your battles? ‘Pandemonium II: The Battle of the Underworlds’
is the one you want.
Review by Jo Wright