Review: Angry Itch – Angry Itch

Angry Itch

Angry Itch – Self Released

For those people who were saying punk is dead Angry Itch are very much proving the opposite. Sure the genre and indeed the punk movement itself has moved on and become a much broader church, and that can only be a good thing. But you still need to pogo, right? What is so cool about this album is that it sounds pretty traditional but it has much more depth, and yes quality of writing than we got decades ago. The production is fantastic too. So this is the best of both worlds. It’s punk rock that’s had a makeover but underneath is still shouty, guitar driven and lyrically uncompromising. Angry Itch may be snot rockers but they do it so well and are doing it for now, not for then. This is an album that is relevant today and is a blessing for all the younger fans out there. It’s a record that scratches that ‘angry’ itch we all have for some new music to love.

Angry Itch – Facebook

Review by Gary Trueman