Live Review: Anti-Clone, Regulus, Kaylyde


Lincoln, The Drill, 22nd Oct 2022


It’s been 4 years since Anti-Clone got the crowd going wild at their last show, the Devolution party in Basingstoke in 2018. So there was no doubt at all that Devolution were going to be at their first show since going on hiatus. To make it more special their first show in what seems like the longest 4 years in history is in their hometown of Lincoln. Okay, to be pendantic it’s close to their hometown, but Lincoln has taken them as their own and they’re ready for a return. It’s a great venue, situated right in the centre of the city with parking right next door to the venue. I’d recommend sharing a car, as the car park is run by NCP and the prices make even Oxford city centre parking look like a steal. But it’s a small price to pay to see the guys back together on a stage again.


With a look like suggests a more gothic theme the band’s young singer does a good job of what are best described as hard rock vocals. Given the origins of goth music though there’s no complaints here. There’s already a sizeable crowd in the venue which bodes well for later. For an opening band they get a good 30 minutes to plough through a set that goes down well. There’s clearly a good following for them as there are plenty of Kaylyde shirts on display at the front.


Another female vocal but this time it’s a pure metal powerhouse as she stomps the stage in combat boots and cargo pants. There’s plenty of energy on stage as the band throw themselves into it and the vocals develop a growl to them. Great grungy metal that gets the crowd going. There’s a party vibe to the band that suits the night well. And the party’s hardly even started yet.


The introduction starts with Peter letting off a smoke flare. It’s been 4 years since they last played and the boys aren’t taking any prisoners. The pulpit seems larger, and even with only 4 in the band now the sound is huge. Even with a new EP, and 2 previous albums, they pull out their earliest songs to go alongside old crowd favourites and new songs. It’s not Anti-Clone without Peter getting close with the crowd as he comes down to the barrier. The crowd is soon singing along to Feed The Machine. The crowd is suitably energised and the mosh pit gets going, as the Clones say “let’s fuck this place up.” As always with this band it’s not enough that the singer gets onto the barrier as the guitarist gets down and moves into the crowd directing the mosh pit from there. Last up and it’s a couple from the new EP as they go through End Of The World and finishing up with Human. A great finish to the night and a fantastic return to the stage for the band.

Review and photos Mark Bestford

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