Devolution caught up with Trent Jeffries the enigmatic lead singer of Plasmata – a band who are nicknamed ‘The Chicago Glampires as an introductory piece to our readers. We discussed being handed a vial of blood onstage from an admirer, Chicago’s diverse scene and which UK festival they would like to play in 2023….
Introduce the band in your own words…
“We’re Plasmata, nicknamed “The Chicago Glampires”. Dark music for dark times.”
Tell our readers about your latest release
“We recently released the “Leviathaneurysm” remix of our song, “Leviathan”, remixed by William Faith (The Bellwether Syndicate, Faith & The Muse). Next up is “You Call Him the Devil”, featuring Aly Jados (Blood People), and remixed by Ben Christo (The Sisters of Mercy).”
Who would you say you sound most like?
“We’ve been called “The bastard sons of Anne Rice and The Sisters of Mercy”. There have also been comparisons to NIN, 69 Eyes, and the classic Chicago Wax-Trax-era of industrial rock.”
“We’ve been called ‘The bastard sons of Anne Rice and The Sisters of Mercy’!”
Who or what are your biggest influences?
“The dark, uncomfortable things in life are what inspires us.”
Describe your band members and what each person brings to the table
“Plasmata is Trent Jeffries. The live line-up includes Ryan Hope (Bass, backing vocals), Marco Obaya (Guitars) and Django Wilson (Drums).”
What have you been up to this year?
“Writing new material, collaborating on new remixes, and revving up the live band for upcoming shows.”
How do you maintain interaction with your fans?
“ and @Plasmataband on Facebook and Instagram.”
What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you while you were on stage?
“There are a few that rank pretty even. Getting punched in the face; a G-string landing on my mic; and being handed a vial of blood from an admirer.”
If you could bring back one music personality, who would it be and why?
“David Bowie, hands down. Because the world sorely misses his presence.”
“David Bowie, hands down. Because the world sorely misses his presence.”
If you could name any one item that would be delivered no questions on the band rider, what would you choose and why?
“British chocolate, because it’s everything.”
You’re stuck on a night off mid tour with just a games console and a handful of games for company. Which games do you choose to play? or do you just raid the mini bar?
“I’d probably raid the mini bar AND play Castlevania.”
If the band got offered an amazing major label deal but it meant a change of image to something you are uncomfortable with and censorship of lyrics, would you take the deal or walk?
“Would not even consider it. If it’s not a true expression of who you are, you shouldn’t be doing it.”
In the event of the end of the world what’s the first song on your post-apocalypse playlist?
“’The Death and Resurrection Show’ from Killing Joke.”
Describe the local music scene of your hometown and how you fit into that as a band?
“Chicago’s scene is incredibly diverse, and people attend shows from many different genres. Although our focus is single-minded, we find acceptance within several adjacent communities.”
When writing new music is it a collaborative effort or is there a main song writer?
“Trent is the sole writer.”
Some bands have goals for albums, the UK Subs for example recorded an album for every letter of the alphabet. Do you have any goals for future albums?
“Not necessarily. Songs are written in relation to current moods and observations, and they tend to fall into some sort of theme collectively.”
In the modern on-demand music scene is the concept album dead, or do you feel there’s still room for them?
“Concept albums only seem to work for established artists with a dedicated following. Those listeners are invested enough in those bands to focus on the entire piece as a whole. So, I don’t think it’s totally dead; it still works in the right situation.”
The hardest step for any band today is going full time, is this something you envisage being able to do in the future?
“Everyone doing this should have that as their goal, otherwise you’re selling your dream short and therefore wasting your time.”
“Everyone doing this should have that as their goal, otherwise you’re selling your dream short and therefore wasting your time.”
How important is the local music scene to you as a band?
“It is vitally important. We are fortunate to live in a city with a vibrant music scene. I wouldn’t want to imagine having to struggle to find venues to play, and enough people to play to.”
With everything being so digital and run predominantly through social media what is your view on the importance of regional and national print press?
“For bands who strive to expand beyond their home base, regional and national press is the gateway to being able to book shows and have people know about you.”
If you could choose to play any UK festival for 2023 – which one, would it be and why?
“Probably Download, because I feel we could mesh with the other acts as well as bring something fresh to the line-up.”
As a band who have been working hard to get yourselves out there in the live circuit and industry – what do you hope will have changed for unsigned and independent bands once this year ends?
“The hope would be for national touring acts to have more ability and willingness to book local acts as support in towns that have fans with a similar following.”
How would you describe 2022 so far?
“2022 has been a dark shit show. The perfect incubator for our type of message.”
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All Photos C/O Stacy Picard