Review: Weedpecker – IV: The Stream Of Forgotten Thoughts











IV: The Stream of Forgotten Thoughts – Stickman Records

One way to describe the latest release by the Polish quartet, is an absolute breath of fresh air. Their vocals and musical stylings take you to another time within another dimension, with some modern twists and an incredibly polished sound. The psychedelic rock band they’ve hit the nail on the head. Each track comes with twists of highs and lows gracefully gelling together, each feeling like an adventure.  Occasionally mixing in slightly grungy guitar riffs while maintaining their signature sound this album is definitely a trip. It’s quite difficult to pinpoint the stand out moments as each song is in its own way unique. Weedpecker reminds you that beauty can come with each instrument, like they are all dancing together. It’s quite trance inducing moulding together to create something so ethereal and so special.

Weedpecker – Facebook

Review by Aggy Gillon