Fathom – Argonauta Records
Summer’s baring its sunny little self, and we’re in the market for a soundtrack to those long, warm, wasp-infested (stupid, stripey, stingy things) days. And power stoner rockers Veuve may have made us the very thing. The Italian trio start loud, proud and confident with ‘Radars Are High’. The melody carries you off, and its seven minutes of song is (seriously) not long enough. The guitar solo eases in like a painkiller. It stops the chest pains. ‘Following’ builds up and up as you sink further down into the easy, mellow, groovesome goodness. ‘Into The Smoke’ kicks in with a heads down, getting-on-with-the-job intro, and a curveball of jauntiness as the track progresses. Yep, summer’s on its way. Just keep an eye on that sky. Looks a bit like rain…
Review by Jo Wright