Live Review: Hundred Year Old Man & Supports – Boom, Leeds Nickie Hobbs·15th August 2024Tonight feels like a very exciting occasional down at Boom in Leeds. We know a lot of these...Events & GigsLive ReviewsMusicNewsPicks·0 Comments·
Live Review: StrangeForms Festival, Brudenell Social Club, Leeds Nickie Hobbs·4th May 2024It’s upon us again. Bad Owl presents another weekend of diverse, progressive, and brilliant heavy music and associated...Events & GigsFestivalsLive ReviewsMusicNewsPicks·0 Comments·
Interview: Pleiades – “I think people’s influence is much less tailored to the one genre, it’s just such a melting pot now.” Nickie Hobbs·4th February 2024We have taken a trip down the M62 and are enjoying the post hardcore and metal delights at...InterviewsMusicNewsSlider·0 Comments·