Live Review: Earthtone9 & Lowen – Boom, Leeds Nickie Hobbs·27th December 2024Lowen are in blistering form tonight, and sound like they are indeed ‘Waging War Against God’. Such is...Events & GigsLive ReviewsMusicNewsPicks·0 Comments·
Special Feature: Devolution Staff Reveal Their Top Five Albums of 2024! Nickie Hobbs·19th December 2024We’ve been treated to an abundance of high-quality music in 2024, a testament to the industry’s resilience in...MusicNewsPicksReleasesSlider·0 Comments·
Review: Lowen – Do Not Go To War With The Demons Of Mazandaran Nickie Hobbs·30th September 2024Lowen Do Not Go To War With The Demons Of Mazandaran Church Road Records It’s here, an album...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsReview·0 Comments·
Live Review: Green Lung & Lowen, The Brudenell, Leeds Nickie Hobbs·27th May 2024We have been waiting for this one for a while, and now it is finally upon us! Green...Events & GigsLive ReviewsMusicNewsPicks·0 Comments·
Interview: Lowen “I’ve always had a fascination with the Tahrir vocals, and I always wanted to hear part of my culture in this music.” Gary Trueman·4th May 2023Having formed in London in 2017, Lowen have been raising interest (and eyebrows) with their mixture of progressive...InterviewsMusicNewsSlider·0 Comments·