Interview: The Rebellion Tapes – The War Lovers “It’s an honour to play Rebellion.”

Hailing from Syracuse, New York this punk two piece bring their street punk and oi stylings to the legendary Rebellion Punk Music Festival. After meeting at a punk show, the duo began dating and guitar and vocalist Jamie Pickslide and drummer Thao Crash embarked on not only creating a new band but also taking on learning new instruments to make it work. Currently living their dream, touring the world while doing what they love, their journey has brought them to their debut UK show. Aggy Gillon has a chat with them about what punk means to them and what inspires and drives them as a band.

So you guys are playing Rebellion Festival for the first time later on the RIS stage. How does that feel?

Thao: Yeah it’s our first time playing here ever at all.

Jamie: We have never been to England before.

Oh cool so this is your debut show in the UK!

Jamie: It sure is. We have been to Europe. We have played Italy and a couple of other countries before. Never England. Never the island. It’s an honour to play Rebellion. We have always wanted to come here because of all the legendary and awesome great bands that have played. To be invited to play was a really good feeling for us to join these people and be part of it.

Thao: It’s a dream come true!

So what’s your first impressions, how does it feel being in the UK?

Thao: Everyone is really nice. They take our flyers and are reading our band name. Everyone is excited to be here. Nothing but good things to say.

Jamie: Feel like everybody is pretty genuine. In the states there is a lot of you know, nice to your face and mean behind your back.

You released your album Chaos Chaos Chaos last year. Could you tell us a bit about that?

Thao: It’s our newest one and also our shortest one. It has seven tracks.

Jamie: And a cover. I would say musically that’s our best one. Obviously our classic songs aren’t on the newest album. We also just put out a best of album. It’s a compilation of some of our best songs from the first four albums. So people can get a little bit of a taste of everything.

Your first album was out in 2019? Was that around when you started The War Lovers?

Jamie: Yeah 2019 or 18. Yeah we started and we played our very first show and there was a record guy there and he said I want to record thirteen songs as soon as possible. We were like oh fuck we got to write some more songs. We did it and we were a brand new band. She was a brand new drummer. I had never sang in a band before. So it was all pretty new! We had been in other little projects but nothing for real.

Thao: It’s become like an annual tradition to record on January 1st every year with the same record producer.

Do you find it’s good to work with someone like that regularly as you get a feel for each other and on the same page?

Jamie: Yeah, consistency. Absolutely.

Have you got any plans for any more releases anytime soon?

Jamie: We have a couple of songs that are half way written. We haven’t nailed anything down. This year and the end of last year we have been fucking busy. We played in Korea and were going to Germany next week. We’re touring all over the place. We did a Canada tour. We’re doing a mini tour with a band called Dog Faced Bastards. We don’t have any time to write stuff because we are busy experiencing it

As you mentioned you both started either playing or singing through creating this band. How did you guys meet and decide to start The War Lovers?

Thao: We met at a punk show in Syracuse and we started dating.

Aw! That’s lovely.

Thao: We were in two separate bands . He was a bass player and I was a guitar player. Those bands kinda ended and we were like we should just start a band together but neither of us knew how to play drums. So it came onto me and I was like, I’ll learn how to play! I learned just for the band.

Jamie: We drew some straws and whoever lost had to be the drummer and she lost. But now she’s a good drummer! She’s a total natural. I could never do it like she does.

Thao: I didn’t think I could do it but practice makes perfect I guess!

So you guys like to put across a message with your music. For example we enjoyed your song ‘Steal Shit From Walmart’. How would you guys put into words what is the passion and the message that you want to put across with some of your songs?

Jamie: I would say the world doesn’t have to be political, it can be fun. Punk is inherently political but I dont think it’s political. I think it’s observational. We see things and we talk about it. We experience things and we talk about it. We don’t necessarily choose a side because punk has its own side and it’s living the chaos and living your best life and I would say that is what it is.

What’s the story behind the name?

Jamie: That’s actually one of my favourite books. It’s about how the United States uses war to unite itself. It’s not political, it’s observational. Everyone knows what America does. It’s kind of tongue in cheek.

Have you got any pre-show rituals you do before you hit the stage?

Jamie: I dunno…She has to go pee *laughs*.

Thao: Yeah, I drink a lot of water and stretch. Sometimes I’ll listen to our music.

Jamie: We just keep it natural.

Thao: We do our hair and makeup.

Jamie: I have never really thought about it before but that’s kind of like our zen.

So you said you got here on Wednesday, is that right?

Jamie: Yeah. We were in Edinburgh.

Oh nice that’s where I am from!

Jamie: No shit! Do you know Heather? Tartan Heather?

Oh yeah, I have met her. She’s a lovely lady.

Jamie: We bumped into her and she took us to some bars. She’s such a sweetheart.

Did you go to Bannermans?

Jamie: Yes! Yeah we did!

You guys need to play there!

Jamie: I know. We are definitely gonna come back next year and do some of Scotland.

Have you been able to experience the festival as punters at all while being here? Checking out the scene, seeing some of the bands?

Thao: Yeah, we got our artist wristband but we went in here like a ‘normal’ person to get the full experience.

Jamie: We could have skipped the line and stuff but we wanted to do it the way that everybody does it and get the full experience.

It kind of reminds me of when Rose goes below deck on the Titanic *laughs*

Jamie: Yeah, she wants to know what it’s all about .

Yeah, exactly! *laughs* So what’s the dream for you guys?

Jamie: This. This is it *laughs*

Thao: To keep travelling and keep playing shows. As long as our fans still want us and support us. That pushes us to keep going.

What would you say inspires you?

Jamie: I write all the lyrics and Thao approves or disapproves of them. I’ll write something and she’ll say thats fucking stupid or thats great *laughs* But basically our songs are about our experiences. People we meet, people we see and things we go through. We try not to write stuff about stuff we see on the news and things like that because that’s all fucking bias and fucked up anyway. Hanging out with friends is the best material.

What would you say is something that has been a particular highlight or something that just sticks in your mind so far in your career?

Jamie: I would say it’s having bands that I have loved forever tell me that they like my band. That’s huge to me.

Thao: When they buy our t-shirt and you see them  playing shows wearing their War Lovers shirt.

What would you like to say to your fans?

Jamie: Start a band.

Thao: Stay punk.

The War Lovers – Facebook

Interview And Photos By Aggy Gillon