News: Breed 77 Return! Unleashing Flamenco Metal ‘End Of The Line’


Breed 77 are back! The Flamenco Metal outfit rose to fame in the early noughties after cutting their teeth on the UK & European live circuit – playing with the likes of Black Sabbath, Machine Head, The Melvins & Korn, and today, they unleash the new single & video for ‘End Of The Line’, alongside announcing UK tour dates for May 2024:

In 2004 they broke through with their seminal album ‘Cultura’ spawning hits on charts around the globe and starting a long run of triumphant appearances at Download Festival in the UK. After extensive touring around the world that took them to Japan, Mexico, Australia & the U.S. and 5 critically acclaimed albums, the band went on hiatus in 2015….

Fast forward to 2024 and the beast has woken from it’s slumber… Breed 77 is back with new single ‘End of the Line’ – A damning and cynical commentary on the state of society punctuated by the trademark tribal rhythms and the glorious fusion of Mediterranean influences and fast-paced hard hitting, kick-ass rock! The subject matter deals with empathy, loyalty, trust – how these values have been lost in modern society and how it seems the people that have no values, no humanity somehow always end up on top. Watch the video here:

It’s not all doom and gloom; there’s a defiance to the song – it’s a desperate warning, a rallying call, and even though the world maybe in a terrible state beyond repair and we could be at the End of the Line – when all is said and done, we will pick up the pieces, we will re-build…. we have to…

Catch Breed 77 live across the UK this May, coming to Leicester, Chester, Milton Keynes, Tunbridge Wells and concluding at London’s notorious The Underworld in London:

Stream / Download ‘End Of The Line’ now: