Review: Hawxx – Earth, Spit, Blood And Bones


Earth, Spit, Blood And Bones – Self Released

Acting as a voice piece for women, the next generation and indeed the planet isn’t an easy task. It puts you well and truly at the pointy end of ignorance and criticism. Hawxx don’t care about naysayers though, they just play shoot from the hip music and sing about what matters. This album is bursting with heavy beats, mesmerising vocals and goose-bump inducing writing. It’s an emotional ride of angry, sad, hopeful, cautionary and happy. Spanning a wide part of the rock spectrum there are constant surprises that keep you guessing what’s coming next. One moment you get thunderous bass guitar power, the next a siren’s call soundscape. Hawxx have certainly progressed almost out of all recognition from the band they were just a few short years ago, spectacularly so in fact. ‘Earth, Spit, Blood And Bones’ is a witches brew of an album, take one sip and you’ll be under its spell.

Hawxx – Facebook

Review by Gary Trueman