News: P.O.D. – New Album ‘Circles’ to be Released November 16th, 2018 Mark Bestford·9th September 2018 P.O.D. New Album: ‘Circles’ Released: November 16th, 2018 Mascot Records/Mascot Label Group Listen to the brand...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsPicksReleasesReview·0 Comments·
Review: Smoking Martha – In Deep Mark Bestford·8th September 2018Smoking Martha – In Deep In today’s on-demand world of iTunes and Spotify you could be forgiven for...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicPicksReleasesReview·0 Comments·
Fashion & Beauty: Cleaning your Beauty Blender: The Microwave Hack Mark Bestford·8th September 2018Cleaning your Beauty Blender: The Microwave Hack Beauty Blenders have become a must have of all makeup lovers...Fashion & BeautyMake UpPicksReviewTutorials·0 Comments·
News: Undercover Festival VII back for 26, 27 & 28 April 2019! Mark Bestford·8th September 2018Undercover Festival VII back for 26, 27 & 28 April 2019! SEVENTH consecutive year Moving to Boston Music Room...FestivalsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Fashion & Beauty: Kryolans’ Rainbow Circle Interfernez Mark Bestford·8th September 2018Kryolans’ Rainbow Circle Interfernez Do you ever get bored of single tone lip colours? Find them generally flat...Fashion & BeautyMake UpPicksReview·0 Comments·
Interview: Pulverise – “The sky’s the limit right, I want a llama.” Mark Bestford·4th September 2018Darren, Tom, Vicky, Luke, and Jojo chatted to Devolution Magazine back at Breaking Bands Festival, where they discussed...EntertainmentFestivalsInterviewsMusicPicksReview·0 Comments·
Interview: Psychostick – “If somebody has an idea and it makes all of us laugh, we proceed!” Mark Bestford·2nd September 2018Away from the blazing sun of Amplifried Matt, Josh, Rob, and Alex of Psychostick bared all to Devolution....EntertainmentFestivalsInterviewsMusicPicksReview·0 Comments·
Interview: Tatiana Shmailyuk – Jinjer “When you are here at the festival to gain some new fans you need to do anything possible just to shake them and make them love you.” Mark Bestford·1st September 2018Away from the blazing sun at Amplified festival Devolution Editor Nickie Hobbs had a chat post performance with...FestivalsInterviewsMusicPicksReview·4 Comments·
News: Amplified Festival Mark Bestford·31st August 2018AMPLIFIED INTERNAL PRESS RELEASE With the glorious Summer now fast disappearing it won’t be long before we’re all...FestivalsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Review: Alvin Gibbs & the Disobedient Servants – Ghost Train Mark Bestford·31st August 2018Alvin Gibbs & The Disobedient Servants – Ghost Train What do you get if you take half of...Album & Demo ReviewsEntertainmentMusicPicksReleasesReview·0 Comments·