News: Mammothfest announces additional headliners and supports for 2018! Nickie Hobbs·2nd April 2018It has long been the MAMMOTHFEST stance that customers do not need to spend a lot of money...EntertainmentEvents & GigsFestivalsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Live Review: Sumo Cyco/Skarlett Riot Gary Trueman·16th March 2018Sumo Cyco/Skarlett Riot The Craufurd Arms, Milton Keynes – 15/3/2018 Since their latest album Regenerate hit the masses...Events & GigsFullwidth SliderLive ReviewsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Live Review: Butcher Babies/Eyes Set To Kill/Klogr Gary Trueman·22nd February 2018Butcher Babies/Eyes Set To Kill/Klogr Rescue Rooms – 20/2/2108 There’s a lot to like about the Rescue Rooms. ...Events & GigsFullwidth SliderGigsLive ReviewsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
American Satan – The Movie – In UK Theatres Friday October 20th Nickie Hobbs·10th October 2017MIRAMAX® to distribute rock & roll thriller from Sumerian Films AMERICAN SATAN In UK Theatres Friday, October 20th...EntertainmentEvents & GigsFilm and CinemaLifestyleNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Live: Club Antichrist ‘Voodoo Spirit World’ Vampire Ball’ Gary Trueman·15th September 2017 It’s always a nerve wracking time when a club night...BurlesqueEvents & GigsGigsLive ReviewsMusic·0 Comments·
Live: Korn & Hacktivist – Brixton Academy Nickie Hobbs·27th August 2017Leeds and Reading Festival has always had an eclectic line up, and this year is not different. With...Events & GigsLive ReviewsMusicPicksReview·0 Comments·
Rebellion Festival 2017: The Big Hitters And The Best Of The Rest Gary Trueman·17th August 2017In its twenty first year you’d be forgiven for thinking that Rebellion Festival would be starting to feel...Events & GigsFestivalsLive ReviewsMusicPicksReview·0 Comments·
Obscene Extreme Festival 2017 – 5 Day Running Order Nickie Hobbs·27th June 2017 We are really looking forward to flying out to Trutnov next week to attend our...Events & GigsFestivalsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
News: Just 51 Days To Bloodstock Festival Nickie Hobbs·20th June 2017 Just 51 days to BLOODSTOCK FESTIVAL Not long now before the BLOODSTOCK faithful thunder onto the hallowed...Events & GigsFestivalsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Download Festival 2017 – Big Hitters Round-Up Gary Trueman·19th June 2017While many had already partied hard from Wednesday night it’s when the festival arena opens it’s doors on...Events & GigsFestivalsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·