Review: 100 Watt Vipers – Holy Water Gary Trueman·2nd January 2019100 Watt Vipers Holy Water – Self Released Massive, dirty, bluesy riffs and licks (‘Aces High’ and ‘Penny...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsReview·0 Comments·
Review: Jon Schaffer’s Purgatory – Purgatory EP Gary Trueman·2nd January 2019Jon Schaffer’s Purgatory Purgatory EP – Century Media Records Today we’re going to take a trip. To a...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Review: Face Up! – The World Is Ours Gary Trueman·21st December 2018Face Up! The World Is Ours – Headcheck Records Back in the day punk rock was something fast...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Review: Petty Phase – Pretty Phase EP Gary Trueman·21st December 2018Petty Phase Petty Phase – Headcheck Records Carrying a torch lit by acts such as The Slits are...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·
Review: Beth Blade And The Beautiful Disasters – Show Me Your Teeth Gary Trueman·13th December 2018Beth Blade And The Beautiful Disasters Show Me Your Teeth – Self Released Glitz. Guts. Guitars. Glory. Beth...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNews·0 Comments·
Review: Audio Tap – Recalibrate Gary Trueman·13th December 2018Audio Tap Recalibrate – Self Released Big birthday coming up? Wedding? Decree Absolute come through maybe? It’s just...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNews·0 Comments·
Interview: Sofia Isabella talks about her life as a full time make up artist who also models Gary Trueman·12th December 2018Sofia Isabella is very much a part of the London alternative scene. A metalhead at heart she can...Fashion & BeautyFullwidth SliderInterviewsInterviewsInterviewsLifestyleMake UpNews·0 Comments·
Review: V2A – Gravity Killer Gary Trueman·7th December 2018V2A Gravity Killer – Trisol Music Group Road warriors still need a bit of music in their life...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNewsReleases·0 Comments·
Review: Fyzz Wallis Band – Alpha Female Gary Trueman·7th December 2018Fyzz Wallis Band Alpha Female – Self released Nifty play on words springs to mind when you listen...Album & Demo ReviewsMusicNews·0 Comments·
Live Review: The Interrupters/Grade 2/Maid Of Ace Gary Trueman·6th December 2018The Interrupters/Grade 2/Maid Of Ace Electric Ballroom – 4/12/2018 The Electric Ballroom in Camden is sold out for...EntertainmentFullwidth SliderGigsMusicNewsPicksReview·0 Comments·